Saturday, January 4, 2014

Eating Credit Cards

No, I am not suggesting we cut carbs by eating plastic. This is kind of a big idea. When you put all we know about money management to work in our health/fitness- we find amazing parallels. You heart/mind/legs give you a hefty daily allowance. Imagine if you got $1500 to spend- cool right? would you spree it on cloths? Pay down a mortgage? Well here is the thing, you need that for maintenance. but you get to pick how to spend it, customize as much as you want. Those 1500 calories are every bit as real as the $. You get them everyday. So what happens when you get a credit card and spend too much? You go in debt. Nasty, nightmarish debt. The deeper you go, the scarier it gets. Health problems  loom- and what do you do? You underspend and pay it back, or declare bankruptcy. The problem with Health bankruptcy is it involves no personal change. Surgery, drugs- they may take away some of the debt, but over-spending will bring it right back. So next time a candy bar says "Eat Three of Me!" tell it "I can't afford you" and "6 months from now, I don't want to still be making minimum payments at the gym". Good Luck! Shred the plastic, and eat to live.

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